
NU's suspended session not as reported by mass media

Senin, 3 Agustus 2015 | 04:38 WIB

Jombang, NU Online
The first Plenary Session process of the NU 33rd congress on Sunday (2/8) night went quite smoothly. Further hearing which began on Sunday afternoon, was littered fully with the dynamics and dissenting opinion having become common in the tradition of Nahdlatul Ulama.
As the night wore on, the session led by the chairman of NU KH Slamet Effendi Yusuf was then suspended and would kick off on Monday (3/8). This forum was for a while suspended because participants looked exhausted and could not focus on the session process.

NU Online's journalists during the session did see that the forum's participants has probelm with their stamina recovery and concentration.

Facts on the ground are absolutely different from the reports in such media as,,,,,,, and many other media.

The commercial media tend to seek public sensation by reporting "chaos", "fight", "tension", "heated and tense atmosphere in the arena of the session", while the proceedings was not actually happening on the ground.

Facts in the arena are really just a difference of opinion which has become a long tradition in the largest Muslim organization. Ikhtilaf (dissenting opinion) among NU members has been formed by the tradition of jurisprudence that has been aged more than 1200 years. (masdar)
