
KH Lukman Hakim concerned about disaster becomes political industry

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018 | 13:51 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Chairman of islamic boarding school Raudhatul Muhibbin on Caringin Bogor KH M Luqman Hakim expressed his concern regarding earthquake that was often politicize. He argued, this attitude was far from religious and humanitarian values that should be upheld. 

“Recently, disaster is being political industry,” wrote Kiai Lukman to express his concern, as quoted by NU Online, on Saturday (8/25) from his Twitter account.

Kiai Lukman who is director of Sufi Center Jakarta highlighted elits, political party leaders, and political partisans who has made the athmosfere worse by politicing the earthquake, such as happen in Lombok.  

“True leader never politicize an issue or any incident. Is it caused by too often to watch accidents or disasters?” he said.

Related to that issue, previously, general chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama KH Said Aqil Siroj affirmed, the earthquake that happened in Lombok was concern for the entire nation. Political noises and presidential candidat debate must be stopped for a moment so that it was not defeat the nation’s problem.

“To political parties, that uproar discussing presidential candidates, it is must be stopped for a moment. Lets pay attention to our brother and sister who are hitted by the disaster in Lombok,” talked Kiai Said in the beginning of the month, at NU Building in Jakarta.  

According to him, the main step was united all nation components to overcome the disaster in Lombok sincerely, and not politicing it. “Do not take political steps when giving aid,” he said.

He invited the community to show their concern as one nation and one homeland. “Foreigners just want to help, but we only busy discussing politics,” he said.  (Fathoni)