
Ulemas to Expect Relocation of Mudflow’s Victims

Sabtu, 15 Juli 2006 | 06:24 WIB

Surabaya, NU Online
General Manajer of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc. Imam Agustino said that a number of ulamas that so-called as Ulema Communication Forum of the Indonesian Ulema Council expected the hot mudflow’s victims to immediately be relocated.

The expectation was proposed due to the increasingly nearing fasting month, so they would perform the fasting during the coming Ramadhan month. 


In a meeting held in the Barokah restaurant, located behind Porong’s Police Office, Friday (14/7), Chairman of East Java’s Regional Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Masduki Mahfudz said that the relocation of the mudflow’s victims was a must.

“Ulemas insist Lapindo to temporarily relocate the residents. It is related to the immediately coming of the fasting month,” Masduki said.

Imam Agustino said, a number of society’s elements around the Lapindo’s hot mudflow had also expected the trial process to the six suspects to be postponed just to address social interests. (tin)