
PMII hopes 1st day of Muharram as Santri Day

Selasa, 5 November 2013 | 23:49 WIB

Surabaya, NU Online
The Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) of East Java called for all components of the nation to reflect the important role of pesantren circles in the course of national dynamics, since the pre- independence to the present.<>

"In fact, the history of this nation has negated the significant role of pesantren in preserving the spirit of resistance against the colonizers," chairman of the Branch Administrator Baord of PMII, Fairouz Huda said here on Tuesday (5/11).

He was of view that pesantren could put the essential meaning of its struggle in fighting against the enemies' attack and expelling them from the country.

In history, the pesantren circles have contributed significantly to the foundation of the nation's ideology, Pancasila.

"Through pesantren, and the pesantren individuals (santri) have still consistently maintained and preserved our Indonesian traditions," he said, adding that they had also consistently developed the nationalism mindset which is rooted in the traditions.

According to Fairouz, pesantren is the place being capable of seeding the teachings of Islam and the national struggle.

"Pesantren is able to produce and strengthen the character of a leader who is rooted in the Indonesian values," he said.

Until now, he continued, many pesantren graduates had involved themselves in the political area and been able to color the national policies.

Based on historical facts, the East Java's PMII asked the government to make the momentum of the Hijri New Year or the 1st of Muharam as a " National Santri Day".

Reporting by Abdul Hady JM; Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq